by Igor Bauersima, directed by Andreea Vălean
Iulia: Paula Niculiţă
August: Gabriel Pintilei
Directed by: Andreea Vălean
Stage design: Constantin Ciubotariu
Photography: Cătălin Mitulescu and Marius Panduru
Translated by: Victor Scoradeț
A piece of pop culture burden, a true and full of humor and a plea for the Internet generation life dealt movie theater into the term.
Press Reviews
In fact, the play has an open ending. Each spectator can imagine his own denouement… Andreeea Valean (herself a playwright, author of “When I want to whistle, I whistle”) created a performance of extreme simplicity and expressivity, using what she has just learnt in faculty to give rhythm to both scenic action and filmed sequences, to underline dramatic tension, to guide the actors to a very elaborate performance and to combine all these elements so as to offer the audience the most precious thing theatre can offer, namely emotion.