by Constantin Cheianu, directed by Cristian Ban
Igor: Mihai Smarandache
Viorel: Marius Damian
Sergiu: Dimitrii Bogomaz
Ion: Gabriel Pintilei
Donatas: Relu Poalelungi
Igor’s mother: Irina Mazanitis
Directed by: Cristian Ban
Stage design: Cristina Milea
New International Theatre Festival, Arad, May 12, 2013
Theatre Festival in Piatra Neamț, October 25, 2010
BITEI Festival in Chișinau, May 24, 2010
Romanian Drama Festival, Timișoara, April 13, 2009
MARIUS DAMIAN – Best Actor Award at Theatre Festival in Piatra Neamț, 2010
CRISTINA MILEA – Best stage design at Theatre Festival in Piatra Neamț, 2010
Photos by George Dăscălescu
My shock was doubled by that well-known feeling of the writer who tell himself `this can be a good subject for a play`. It is the first `documentary` play that I wrote, all facts that are relevant in the play are based on real facts and the characters have prototypes in the real life. I only had to do make a unitary subject out of different people lifes (some of them have never met in the real life).